In School

Practical and unforgettable sessions of immersive experiences that inspire writing, improve self esteem and generate a fear free, creative environment.

Written and delivered by Philip Davis they are a highly effective way to understand Write Inspired. Includes an entertaining and informative twilight Inset session for all staff.

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'Every human needs a sense of achievement in their life...we had that this week.' David Porritt, Headteacher

'Amazing. A whole new way of learning.' Yr 6 pupil


Write Inspired in action

Watch Write Inspired in action. Made up of 2/3 days classroom sessions including a twilight Inset. Observe and learn Write Inspired techniques first hand.

Experience Write Inspired in the classroom to see it in action. Observe how the children respond and really enjoy writing. In action consists of 2 or 3 days with Philip Davis working with classes in your school. Staff involved with the class observe and learn about the techniques used first hand. It gives all staff a comprehensive introduction to the workings of Write Inspired. On one of the days there is also an entertaining and informative twilight inset session.

Watch What is Write Inspired to give you a brief overview of what it is all about.

Download the flyer for more details


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Write Inspired in action

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